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Why You Need To Experience Volunteer Travel

volunteer travel

What is volunteer travel?

When you seek a travel experience, you want it to be more than just a few weeks at a resort ticking the cliche must-do list. You want a truly unique and positive experience! You want to uncover a new culture, discover adventure, get to know new people and to positively support the place you’re visiting.

Volunteer travel enables you to do that.

It helps you to be a conscious traveler who puts the needs of the community at the heart of your experience, while also having the flexibility to explore your surroundings and experience everything the destination has to offer.

Why should you choose to experience volunteer travel?

If you’re new to the idea of volunteer travel the benefits might not seem obvious at first, but if you speak to anyone that has done so, they will tell you how they loved every minute of it - even the moments that pushed them out of their comfort zone. Check out some of our volunteers’ reviews.

Volunteer travel allows you to form lifelong friendships with host families, the people you assist while volunteering and your fellow international volunteers. You’ll also eat the local cuisine, speak the local language and share in the local knowledge. The best part is, you get to repay this hospitality via your volunteer efforts and gain shared experiences with other volunteers.

How to travel and volunteer?

Researching how to take a volunteer travel program abroad can feel like an overwhelming task. There are free options available that come with a range commitments and then there are affordable options that allow any type of traveler to have a streamlined volunteer experience. With this, you gain the flexibility to volunteer abroad at a time that works for you, in a destination of your choice. And by paying a transparent Program Fee you’re ensuring you cover the costs associated with your stay. It’s just another simple way of making sure your travel has a positive impact.

The process of preparing to volunteer abroad can be as thought out or as spontaneous as you desire. There are two main ingredients for how to get started, choosing a destination and volunteer project. This enables you to set a blueprint for the adventure ahead.

Here’s how you would set out on your volunteer travel with IVHQ:

  • Research online
  • Apply and Register
  • Prepare with your travel expert
  • Learn about the program
  • Set out on your adventure
  • Meet the local team
  • Volunteer your time
  • Explore

What are the best volunteer travel opportunities?

IVHQ has volunteer travel opportunities available year round in 40+ countries where you can choose to volunteer from 1 week through to 24 weeks. Each destination has its own unique feel and volunteer opportunities, so it’s truly in your hands for what travel experience you choose to undertake.

If you need a helping hand on what volunteer travel opportunities are right for you, check out our 14 best volunteer abroad programs in 2025 or better yet, take our quiz for where you should volunteer and travel in 2025 for all your inspiration needs.

We’ve also got you covered for each type of travel experience, whether you’re going solo or volunteering abroad as a group, consider the options that best suit your situation.

Volunteer travel for solo travelers
Volunteer travel for solo travelers

We often reach a point in our lives where we feel limited in our current lifestyle and have a burning desire to share, grow and learn with new experiences! Sound like something you’ve been thinking? But are you worried about traveling to a new country alone? Safety and support are top priorities at IVHQ, meaning traveling with us is the perfect way to test international travel on your own. start exploringyour solo journey today.

Volunteer travel for families
Volunteer travel for families

Do away with the traditional family holiday and take on a new adventure with volunteer travel for families. IVHQ has tailored programs that allow you to be housed together as a family, as well as working on the volunteer projects of your choosing. A helpful starting point is looking at our family volunteering guide, which gives you an understanding of what volunteer travel opportunities are available to your family.

Volunteer travel for seniors
Volunteer travel for seniors

We know that age is not a barrier! IVHQ has long hosted senior volunteers and they make up a key component of our volunteer programs. There is no limit to the volunteer travel experience you can embark on and our senior volunteer guide allows you to begin your planning and even hear from other senior volunteers that have taken on a volunteer travel experience.

Volunteer travel for adults
Volunteer travel for adults

Sooner or later, we all get the itch to break away from the confines of our day to day life and set out on an adventure. Volunteer travel abroad certainly isn’t a new way to explore the globe, but through companies like IVHQ it has become an increasingly safe and rewarding experience that can be taken by travelers with a broad range of skill sets. Our best volunteer abroad programs for grown ups guide is a great place to start.

Volunteer travel for high school students
Volunteer travel for high school students

When looking at travel options for high school age students, it can be difficult to find that perfect balance of cultural immersion, hands on experience and service learning. The travel and volunteer abroad pairing, has been established as a staple option for high school aged students looking for international experience because it provides a safe, responsible and affordable travel framework. If you want to learn a little bit more about high school volunteering or for any volunteer travelers aged under 18, explore our high school volunteer abroad guide.

Volunteer travel for groups
Volunteer travel for groups

Lets face it, some of us can’t travel without our squad by our side, we understand this need and we’ve created a platform where you can customize your volunteer program to suit your groups volunteer goals and travel desires! IVHQ has catered to every type of group you can imagine, from nursing students and sports teams, through to corporates and alumni networks. Talk to our expert groups team to plan your customized journey.

So there you have it! Volunteer travel programs are the perfect way to see the world and provide support to a community in return. Start your journey with IVHQ today.

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