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5 Reasons Why I'm Hooked On Volunteering Abroad


Why I'm hooked on volunteering abroad with IVHQ

Have you ever just wanted to pack your bags and take off traveling around the world? I have a passion for traveling. In the past I had opportunities to take a few cruises, but was not able to truly experience each destination or get to know the people and their culture. When I discovered IVHQ, the options for traveling expanded! I quickly learnt that volunteering abroad was an affordable way for me to travel, help others and explore other cultures! My first solo trip with IVHQ was to Costa Rica, which gave me an opportunity to spend two weeks with sea turtles and to see how IVHQ as an organization worked. I chose a place closer to home, just in case!

No worries, I was hooked!

In 2015, I felt comfortable enough to expand my horizons. The following months I’ll be volunteering in Bali, the Philippines and finally Fiji!

So why have I become addicted to volunteer travel?

IVHQ volunteer Tyler teaching as an IVHQ volunteer in Bali

Reason1: I love to learn!

Volunteering overseas gives me an opportunity to learn about different places and cultures. Working with children gives me a chance to share what I know, while everything I learn helps me to become a better person.

Making new friends as an IVHQ volunteer

Reason 2: Making new friends!

Every time I volunteer, I get another chance to make new friends. I have had the opportunity to meet other volunteers from all over the world including the USA, Mexico, Spain, Australia, UK and even Egypt! It’s easy to make friends when you have something in common, in this case a sense of adventure! On weekends when you have time off you travel with these new friends, you get to learn more about them and there culture. I know some of these friendships will last a lifetime.

Make a difference as an IVHQ volunteer

Reason Three: Making a difference!

I want to feel that I have done something to make the world a better place. Helping other people, animals, or the environment can have a lasting effect. Volunteering around the world gives me a chance to live and experience how locals live. Volunteering gives me a feeling of hope for a better world.

Grow as a person with IVHQ

Reason Four: Grow as a person!

Volunteering has helped me become more aware of what is happening in the world. I have become more independent and courageous and each experience helps me discover what my passions are. Volunteering makes me feel good about myself and my decisions, it makes me want to travel more and see what the world has to offer for me!

Travel the world with IVHQ

Reason Five: Travel!

When you volunteer abroad, you get to travel. Volunteering is an economical way to see the world. I am going to travel to places that other people only dream about!

My next adventure has now started in the Philippines! Follow my journey on my own blog here.

  • Tyler Devine
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Pick a destination + project and apply for free
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Pay the Registration Fee to secure your place and upgrade your MyIVHQ account
Get ready to volunteer abroad, we’ll support you every step of the way!