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Elderly Care Volunteer Program in Colombia - Medellín

Elderly Care Volunteer Program in Colombia - Medellín

Provide companionship & care for elderly people
Start dates
Programs start on the first and third Tuesday of each month
Choose from 1-24 weeks
Volunteer hours
Up to 7 hours a day
Volunteers aged 18+
Homestay or hostel
Apply for free
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Group video calls

Once you have secured your place, join regular video calls to meet your Program Manager and other volunteers before your trip.

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This program is ideal for:

Volunteers who are empathetic, respectful and proactive, and want to help empower elderly people. You’ll also need to be a team player, flexible, and able to practice patience. You will need to be confident speaking Spanish as those you will be supporting have a basic understanding of English.

Project details

Want to volunteer with the elderly in Colombia? International Volunteer HQ’s Elderly Care project is an opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of Medellín’s elderly population, brighten their days, and support their wellbeing. You’ll have the chance to exchange stories with local elderly people, interact with them, enjoy recreational activities with them, and support local staff with therapies that can improve their quality of life.

What to expect and how you'll make an impact

As an Elderly Care volunteer, you will have the opportunity to work alongside non-profits that are helping to improve the care and wellbeing of local elderly people. These non-profits use strategies such as prevention, primary care, home care and rehabilitation to try and help Medellín’s elderly populations become more autonomous.

Some of the tasks involved in the Elderly Care project may include:

  • Assisting the staff with different activities such as interacting with the elderly
  • Storytelling, exchanging stories about your culture and life experiences while listening to theirs
  • Participating in different activities like dancing, playing board games, reading and painting
  • Supporting the staff with the development of therapies, such as physical therapy, when required

This project is well suited to volunteers who want to share their time with the elderly and are open to learning and understanding the important work that these non-profit organizations do to empower them. Volunteers need to be comfortable working in a team, have the ability to practice patience in any frustrating situations that may arise, and be committed and flexible when it comes to finishing tasks.

Volunteers on the Elderly Care project are required to have at least an intermediate (B1) level of Spanish. However, in order to connect with the elderly you will be supporting, as well as the placement staff, it is recommended that you try to learn as much Spanish as possible to make the greatest impact and gain more from your experience.

Contributes to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Contributes to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Good mental and physical health is key to sustainable development and building healthy and happy communities. Now more than ever, we must increase access to free healthcare and health education across the globe to achieve an acceptable standard of living and wellbeing for all.

Why do Elderly Care volunteering in Medellín with IVHQ?

When you volunteer with the elderly in Colombia you’ll be adding value to the local community, while also developing personally and professionally by:

  • Providing companionship and care to vulnerable older people
  • Improving quality of life in elderly care facilities
  • Developing your communication and Spanish skills
  • Gaining elderly care experience
  • Immersing yourself fully in the Colombian way of life
  • Discovering Colombia’s history and culture

Volunteer requirements

  • Volunteers need to be 18 years or over to participate in this program. If you are under the age of 18, IVHQ offers alternative volunteer opportunities for teens. Visit our High School Volunteer Abroad page to learn more
  • All volunteers are required to have adequate volunteer travel insurance
  • Volunteers need to have at least an intermediate (B1) level of Spanish to join this program. If you don’t meet this requirement, you may like to check out our other Elderly Care projects in Argentina and Guatemala.
Are you eligible to volunteer?

Submit a free application so we can confirm your eligibility and check availability for your preferred dates.

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Group video calls

Once you have secured your place, join regular video calls to meet your Program Manager and other volunteers before your trip.

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What recent volunteers said about their IVHQ experience

Christopher Hughes
21 Aug 2024

I had amazing support from the local team! They were such a big help with anything and everything. All of the other people that I met we're very helpful as well, what a wonderful adventure!!!

Nathalia Lopez
07 Aug 2024

I think I gained a great experience, especially since I want to work with children in the future. I gained a new perspective on working with children in a different country. I would advise someone to definitely give it a try because you’ll learn about new cultures, and be able to relate to those children in different ways even though you may be from somewhere else.

Jonathan Buckingham
03 Apr 2024

I think IVHQ is very helpful. I just finished my 5th trip, and I'm going on my 6th trip in June. I will continue to spread the positive word about IVHQ. The local volunteer coordinator was amazing. I felt safe and valued. She was a lovely lady and I would highly recommend her to anyone traveling to Medellin. I felt like I could make a difference and help the children of Medellin. I wish I had more time to volunteer with them because I felt like I was connecting with them on a personal level and learning more about their culture. It was an intimate experience that I grew from and was very fortunate to experience.


To read all reviews, visit our reviews page.

Academic course credit

Academic course credit through International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ.

Academic course credit

Gain course credit from your college or university and meet your academic requirements when completing a volunteer abroad program with International Volunteer HQ!

Learn about course credit


Volunteer Abroad in Medellín, Colombia with IVHQ


IVHQ’s Colombia program is based in the stunning city of Medellín. Nestled in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains, it boasts a balmy year-round climate, earning it the nickname “City of Eternal Spring.” In your free time, volunteers can explore the city’s rich cultural heritage, from vibrant street art and incredible food to museums and historical sites, including the Museum of Antioquia and the Casa de la Memoria. For nature-lovers, you can enjoy fantastic views of the surroundings from cable cars, and there are plenty of excellent parks and hiking opportunities.

While Medellín has made significant progress in recent years, it still faces many social and environmental challenges, which volunteers can help address. This includes helping with economic, sustainability, and community development initiatives, as well as improving access to education, healthcare, elderly care, and other social services for underserved communities.

Arrival and orientation

The program orientation begins on the first and third Tuesday of each month, and volunteers need to arrive in Colombia on the Monday before program orientation.

After you have registered for the program, please book your flights to arrive at José María Córdova International Airport (MDE) in Medellín on the Monday before your program orientation. Your airport pick-up is included in your Program Fee.

When you arrive, you will be greeted at the airport by a member of the local team and transported to the volunteer accommodation in Medellín. Your accommodation is covered by your Program Fee and includes the night before your program orientation.

If you are traveling in Colombia prior to your volunteer program, we can arrange for you to be picked up at a prearranged destination in Medellín on the day before your program orientation.

Orientation is hosted by our Colombia team in Medellín for one day (approximately 8 hours). Orientation begins on the morning of your chosen start date and covers everything you need to know for your volunteer program in Colombia – an introduction to Colombia, Colombian customs, language training details, rules and expectations, safety, travel opportunities in Colombia, and an introduction to your project and placement. The orientation will also give you a chance to meet other volunteers and swap contact details for weekend travel and socialising.

Volunteer schedule example

First Day

You will be escorted to your placement by a local coordinator and introduced to the placement staff you will be working alongside.


During the week, you will have a volunteering shift that runs all day, approximately 6 - 7 hours from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday. If you would prefer to contribute for 3 - 4 hours instead in the morning or afternoon, this can also be arranged in advance.

A typical day working a full volunteering shift of 6 - 7 hours is as follows:

7:00 AM Breakfast at your accommodation or a cafeteria/restaurant nearby.
8:00 AM Leave your accommodation and travel via public transportation to your placement which can take around 40 minutes depending on traffic. Your volunteering placement work begins at 9:00 AM.
12:00 PM Lunch which you will need to purchase yourself from a local restaurant or supermarket close by to your placement
1:00 PM Continue volunteering on your placement until 4:00 PM.
4:00 PM Volunteering work on your placement usually ends. You are free to travel back to your accommodation, go sightseeing or shopping, or head to a local restaurant for dinner.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Volunteers usually have dinner around this time. Please remember that you will need to purchase your own dinner from a local restaurant or supermarket.


Whether you want to explore or relax on your weekends in Medellín, there’s plenty of opportunity to do both. Stroll through Plaza Botero, packed with sculptures, street performers and artists, El Poblado neighborhood where you could find Parque Lleras with street vendors, artisans, food sellers, musicians and the most famous street in Medellín “Provenza”; or you can visit Jardín Botánico, the botanical gardens, a quiet retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.

You could visit two main tourist attractions such as Pueblito Paisa, which is a replica of a turn-of-the-century town located in the hills of Medellín and offers visitors a chance to experience traditional Antioquian culture. Here, you’ll find cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, a beautiful church, and amazing views of the city, and on the other hand you can visit Parque Arví, which is a very large ecological nature reserve located in Santa Elena, which is a rural area of Medellín.

Take in a museum, the Museo de Arte Moderno, Casa de la Memoria and Museo de Antioquia are fantastic options. Then check out a free walking tour, food tour, or a tour of Comuna 13, Moravia, MacroMural Constelaciones in Manrique or Comuna 8, these neighborhoods are recognized for their incredible social transformation processes; taste-test the city’s fabulous cuisine or sample a brew from Medellín’s blossoming craft-beer industry.

It’s worth noting that Sunday is a religious day of rest, however you could find many stores, shopping malls and restaurants open. Usually Sundays are devoted to spending time with family. If you wish, you can join your host family to do different kinds of recreational activities or explore the city.

On long weekends you may choose to travel around the rest of Colombia and the many towns and cities, volcanoes, jungles, and beaches which are more than worth a visit. Many of these are only a short trip from Medellín.

Accommodation and WiFi

Volunteers are either accommodated in a homestay or a dormitory-style hostel. If you have a preference for one over the other, please note this in your application.


Volunteers will be accommodated in a dormitory style hostel. You can expect to share a room with up to three other volunteers of the same gender and bedding is provided. Attached to your room will be a western style bathroom with hot water and you will have your own locker to store valuables. Please keep in mind that you will need to bring your own padlock from home for your locker.

Hostel staff members will clean the accommodation throughout the week; however, volunteers are required to keep their bedrooms and bathrooms clean and tidy.


Volunteers will be accommodated in a homestay and hosted by a local family who has been approved by our local team in Colombia. Your host family is given a fee for your support, food and board. It is exciting to stay with a host family, providing you with a unique opportunity to learn about the Colombian way of life, meet local people, try traditional food and speak the local language - especially when host families in Colombia tend to have limited English.

Living is often basic but comfortable and all homestays have electricity, hot water and western style bathrooms. Most homestays can accommodate one volunteer at a time; however, depending on availability, you may have to share a homestay, and bedroom, with one other volunteer of the same gender. For those homestays that can accommodate one volunteer at a time, you will have a double bed. If you are accommodated in a homestay that has capacity for two volunteers at a time, it’s likely you will have a single bed. Bedding is provided by your homestay.

You may be required to share a bathroom with your homestay family, depending on the size of their home.

WiFi is available in all volunteer accommodations, free of charge. If you would like to keep connected during your stay, we recommend bringing an unlocked mobile phone and purchasing a local SIM card when you arrive in Colombia.


Volunteers are provided with breakfast everyday. Breakfast typically consists of Colombian arepas (arepas are known as corn cakes made out of corn dough or precooked corn flour in a flat circular shape, similar to a pancake), bread, spreads, scrambled egg and cheese, milk, coffee, aromática (a mixture of fresh herbs, fruits, and boiling water), and hot chocolate.

Lunch and dinner is not included in the program and you will need to purchase these yourself. You can expect to budget around AU$4 - AU$9 for lunch and slightly more for dinner; however, prices will vary depending on what type of establishment you choose to purchase your lunches and dinners from.

Bottled water is readily available in Colombia and volunteers should budget approximately AU$12 - AU$15 per week for two liters of water per day.

If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know when submitting your application so we can make arrangements for you. As you will be living and volunteering abroad, you should not expect to eat as you normally do at home; however, the local team will do their best to ensure you are well taken care of.


  • USD

Spots are limited. For a Registration Fee of just US$329 (approximately AU$511) you secure your spot and unlock all our preparation and training tools.

You don't need to worry about paying your Program Fee until you get closer to your start date.

Program Fee
Due 30 days before you start, or within 48 hours if you register inside of 30 days. Covers the cost of hosting you.
  • USD
1 week $345 Equivalent to $58/day
2 weeks $586 Equivalent to $49/day
3 weeks $812 Equivalent to $45/day
4 weeks $1,032 Equivalent to $43/day
5 weeks $1,252 Equivalent to $42/day
6 weeks $1,472 Equivalent to $41/day
8 weeks $1,872 Equivalent to $39/day
10 weeks $2,272 Equivalent to $38/day
12 weeks $2,672 Equivalent to $37/day
16 weeks $3,352 Equivalent to $35/day
20 weeks $4,032 Equivalent to $34/day
24 weeks $4,712 Equivalent to $33/day
  • All programs attract a Registration Fee of US$329 (approximately AU$511) in addition to the Program Fee. This covers all pre-departure support services.
  • A 5% international banking fee is added at point of payment.
  • Recommended spending money: Volunteers in Colombia generally find US$200 to be sufficient for weekly expenses, including lunches and dinners, transport and miscellaneous spending.
  • Breakfast
  • Airport pick-up
  • Accommodation
  • 24/7 in-country support
  • In-country program orientation
  • Pre-departure support from your Program Manager
  • Personalised preparation tools, guides and check lists
  • Access to IVHQ’s preferred insurance and flights partners
  • Discounts on language lessons
  • Certificate of International Volunteer Service

Learn more about what's included in your IVHQ Registration Fee and Program Fee.

  • Lunch and dinner
  • Transport to and from your placement each day
  • Return to the airport when your program finishes
  • Flights
  • Visa (if required), travel insurance (mandatory), vaccinations, criminal background check.
  • Personal spending money for snacks, laundry, public transportation, drinks and leisure activities during your free time.

Check what's required to visit Colombia

Safety and support

Safety and support with IVHQ

Safety and support

IVHQ follows best practice and industry-leading health and safety procedures, which are regularly reviewed and optimized as part of the B Corporation recertification.

  • All volunteers encouraged to complete our interactive pre-departure training.
  • All local teams trained on best practice volunteer management & First Aid.
  • All IVHQ programs are required to adhere to IVHQ's Risk Management Policy.
  • All volunteers have access to 24/7 in-country support from our local team.
Learn more about IVHQ's safety

Essential country information

Essential country information

Capital Bogota
Population 50.3 million
Languages Spanish
Currency Colombian Peso (KES)
Time zone UTC-5:00

Weather and climate

Medellín, nestled in the Aburrá Valley of the Andes mountains, enjoys a temperate climate at an elevation of approximately 1,500 meters (4,900 feet) above sea level. Often referred to as the “City of Eternal Spring,” Medellín boasts mild and consistent weather throughout the year. Daytime temperatures hover around a comfortable 24-28°C (75-82°F), providing a pleasant and spring-like atmosphere. Evenings bring a slight coolness with temperatures ranging from 15-20°C (59-68°F). The city experiences two distinct rainy seasons, from April to June and from September to November, with brief afternoon showers. However, overall, Medellín is characterized by a predominantly dry climate. Volunteers are advised to pack lightweight clothing and a jacket for cooler evenings.

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How to get started

Pick a destination + project and apply for free
Meet your personal volunteer travel expert
Pay the Registration Fee to secure your place and upgrade your MyIVHQ account
Get ready to volunteer abroad, we’ll support you every step of the way!
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