The training and the meeting pre-departure were really helpful and gave me great confidence to hop on the trip without worry. Everything was clear and very informative!
After staying 7 weeks at the school, I had strong ties with the students and the teachers. Everyone was crying when I left and I wished I could have stayed longer, but sadly, I also have my life to continue... I believe I made a great impact and helped the students a lot! They were all very happy with my teaching approach, the activities I organized and the support I provided. As a 19 years old volunteer, I taught 16-18 years old students. Beyond teaching them English, I also had the opportunity to teach them more life skills such as public speaking, confidence, effective study habits and more.
As a university student studying International Development and Philosophy, I gained profound insights. From studying the inequalities in the Western world and in the world of development, I came to appreciate learning directly at the source. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. The people I met were so kind, caring, and friendly to me that I still can't believe it. I learned to listen more, to be more tolerant, and to approach situations without judgment, with a fresh perspective.
If I had advice to give to future volunteers, it would be to stay, at minimum, more than a month in one place to get to know people in depth and form strong bonds. They should go with an open mind, without judgment, and without trying to find what they are used to at home. They should challenge their norms and conventions, come with a clear slate to write a new story, immerse themselves fully, and learn from others because we have much more to learn than to teach.