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IVHQ Tour - Uganda


Follow the IVHQ video tour as it travels to Uganda

During 2014 I embarked on the IVHQ video tour around Africa and Argentina. In total I was on the road for over 20 incredible days and loved every single one. I anticipated it would be my favourite gig yet, and it was – by far. I feel extremely lucky to be able to say that I was hired to do what I love in 5 different countries. The adventures I’ve had and memories I’ve made have had a huge impact on me and have left me humbled and invigorated with life.

My final 5 days on tour were spent visiting the IVHQ Uganda program. I checked out schools where the children were eager to learn, a clinic where mothers were looking after their babies’ best interests by getting them vaccinated, a sports education placement where everyone wanted to play soccer, and rocked at it when they did (despite their lack of shoes).

Volunteer in Sports Education in Uganda with IVHQ

Kampala was great – one of the most (or perhaps the most) compact city I’ve visited. I’m pretty sure buildings were stacked on top of buildings, and not a spare parking space in the entire city. This would be an exciting place to get lost.

Busy streets in Kampala, Uganda on the IVHQ Video Tour

It’s crazy to think about everything I’ve done on this video tour. I’ve hiked to the top of a mountain, flew over Victoria Falls in a helicopter, seen Devil’s Pool, zip lined, seen rhinos, elephants, giraffes, impalas, warthogs, zebras, waterbucks, baboons, numerous lizards and birds, drank at the popular local bars, been on about 15 planes, public taxis stuffed with people, a boda boda, and an elephant’s back. I’ve laid with lions and cheetahs, swam with turtles, an octopus, and a leopard shark, experienced a walk home from town along the rocks at low tide, unforgettable views of the crystal-clear stars at night and the golden sunsets in the evening, a cruise through hippo and crocodile infested waters, had a lemur pee on my shoulder, held a boa constrictor and jellyfish, found a rare 2cm chameleon, tasted the glory that is a 60 cent rolex and an 8 cent samosa, seen children genuinely excited to be at school, friends literally jumping through hoops of fire to entertain, volunteers giving it their all to help communities in whatever way they can, and got to know and befriend some truly incredible people.

Andrew Ahmed in Zambia on the IVHQ Video Tour

As I sit here on a Ugandan beach, admiring the sunset as I look back on this incredible experience, it gets me excited to know that I can revisit it all again as I watch my footage. I hope they will be able to provide an inch of insight into the miles I felt I’ve experienced on this journey. It’s been unforgettable.

To follow my journey in Africa from the beginning, read about my first stop in Victoria Falls.

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